Der Volksaufstand vom 17. Juni 1953 im Spiegel des Bundesarchivs

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An important source for the popular uprising of 17 June 1953 are the documents of the DDR-Geheimpolizei. But other party and state organs also investigated the situation in the country and tried to interpret the events. The new special edition of the Federal Archives presents selected records from DDR provenance and, for the first time, also documents from the West German government and security apparatus. The event includes the presentation of the special edition (speakers: Dr. Ronny Heidenreich, Dr. Jens Schöne; moderator: Prof. Dr. Daniela Münkel) and a guided tour of the Stasi Archives Leipzig.

Organiser: Bundesarchiv - Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv Leipzig, Co-organiser: Berliner Beauftragter zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur

Binding registration via until September 1st, 2023.

Min. 10 up to max. 25 participants.

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