
Information on the students programme Information on the Teachers’ Programme as Part of the 54. Deutscher Historikertag in Leipzig Welcome Schaufensterausstellung: Schwarze Reihe. Walter Pehle und “Die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus“ bei S. Fischer. Information about the Praxislabor (Practice Lab) of the AG Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft Academic Blogging for Historians. A Practical Workshop Digitalisat statt Original? Zur Online-Recherche in Digitalisaten von analogem Archivgut (Online-Veranstaltung) Highlights in der Ständigen Ausstellung “Antike bis Historismus” Guided tour: permanent exhibition (English) Fragile Fakten im Stadtarchiv Leipzig Guided tour: permanent exhibition (English) Mythen, Deutungen und falsche Freunde – Geschichtsnarrative und Visualisierungen als Probleme kritischer Museumsarbeit „Generation Z“ und Geschichte: tiktok- und youtube-Algorithmen untersuchen Leipzig im Mittelalter: Stadtrundgang Die Sperrbestände und Giftschränke der Deutschen Bücherei Assembly and workshop of doctoral candidates Music history as a historiographical challenge Messen, Städte und Kaufleute (1350-1600) Die Kunstsammlung im Rektoratsgebäude Fragiles auf Fotos. Führung durch die Ausstellung “Jüdisches Album” Rundgang auf dem Gelände der ehemaligen Städtischen Arbeitsanstalt (Riebeckstraße 63) Der Volksaufstand vom 17. Juni 1953 im Spiegel des Bundesarchivs Wie authentisch sind archivalische Quellen? Führung durch das Staatsarchiv Leipzig Poster exhibition The Debate on Colonialism and Holocaust revisited “Faktencheck” im Archiv – Einblicke in die Sammlungen des Archiv Bürgerbewegung Leipzig Ceremonial Opening of the 54. Deutscher Historikertag Reception after the Ceremonial Opening of the 54. Deutscher Historikertag Historical Spatial Modelling with Geocoordinates and Qgis General Meeting of the AG Landesgeschichte im VHD Publishing in Historical Journals. Developments, barriers, and opportunities Meeting of Members der Wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsgemeinschaft des Leo Baeck Instituts Ediarum workshop metoohistory: Diskussionveranstaltung zu Machtmissbrauch im deutschen Wissenschaftssystem Sustainable Digital Teaching Resources with LiaScript History from the Machine. Potentials, Challenges, and Dangers of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ for our Field Successful Research: historicumSEARCH, German Historical Bibliography & GNTUsearch Mitgliederversammlung der Studierenden und Young Professionals (SYP) in der AG Angewandte Geschichte Where is research on imperialism expanding to? A necessary discussion, also with regard to the resurgence of imperialism in Europe Nicht einen Schritt weiter nach Osten Together Again! De Gruyter Oldenbourg Empfang Fragile Zugehörigkeiten. Ostdeutsche und Andere im Vereinigungskontext. Präsentation des neuen Jahrbuchs Deutsche Einheit 2023 Preisverleihung und Empfang des Verbands der OsteuropahistorikerInnen e.V. General Meeting of the Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Juden (GEGJ) Evening of Regional History (Landesgeschichte) General Meeting of the AG Internationale Geschichte im VHD Designed History. The ‘Leipzig School’ before and after 1989/90 Pub quiz and party Jüdische Diplomatie und zionistische Politik: Richard Lichtheim im Zeitalter der Weltkriege (Buchpräsentation und Empfang) Wikidata for Historians Counterfactual History. Fake History or Methodological Innovation? Interactive section for pupils: More than a roof over your head. Housing has history General Meeting of the AG Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft 600 Jahre Geschichte auf zwei Orgeln Reception Network “Jüdische Geschichte Digital” Celebrate the new portal “Jewish History Online” with us! The Anthropocene as a challenge for history as a discipline Sanctions regimes: emergence, practices and effects since 1945 “Multidirectional memories” in conflict – actors and negotiations in four fields of memory politics More than a fact check! Historical research by pupils as historical-cultural capital Politics and the Price Level. Inflations and economic policy paradigms in the 20th century Fragile Memory. Social Media and Their Influence on the Culture of Memory in Academia and the Public Sphere Recommendations for the Teachers’ programme as part of the 54. Deutscher Historikertag in Leipzig Peter Haber Prize for Digital Historical Studies RStudio – Historiography between Stop Words and Plots PhD, Second Book, Habilitation? Fixed-term contracts, qualification goals, and career paths in history „Panem et Circenses“. Game-based learning and the antique General Meeting of the AG Applied History/Public History in the VHD Fragile Finances. Dynasties, Debts, and Female Crisis Managers in the Early Modern Period Sources of Mobility: Interventions Critical of Tradition (17th-20th Century) Assembly of Delegates VGD Die Geheimoperation des BND gegen die SPD-Spitze 1953-1962 und die politische Kultur der frühen Bundesrepublik Althistoriker-Empfang der Mommsen-Geselschaft Festive Event General Meeting of the Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (VHD)/ German Historical Association Exkursion nach Meißen (Dom, Burgberg, Altstadt) Opening lecture: Fake News and Conspiracy Theories in the History of the USA – A Problem Outline Award ceremony and short presentation of the winners Workshop 1: Origin – Development – Evolution. The historycast as a podcast for teaching history in German schools. Season 2 “Magic, Cult, Conspiracy Thinking: On the History of Unreason” Workshop 2: Trimedial history formats in cooperation between VGD and ZDF: “Five attempts at freedom” and “Wannsee Conference” Workshop 4: Extremism at school? What teachers need to know Workshop 3: Ad fontes! From “old hat” to the “next big thing”? Why and how digitisation, AI and algorithms (could) help sources make a comeback in history teaching General Meeting of the AK Weltregionale und Globale Geschichte im VHD District tour: Nazi forced labour in Leipzig city centre Art on Campus Open House at the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig Guided Tour: “War is over”. Robert Capa in Leipzig Tour of the grounds of the former municipal labour institution (Riebeckstraße 63) Transformation Time. Tandem tour with the director Uta Bretschneider Archival research and digital presentation. Leipzig projects concerning basic research on Bach Stasi District Headquarters on Matthäikirchhof – History and Current Debates on the Future of the Site Handschriftenzentrum und Sondersammlungen der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen Digital History meets DNB City in the river. Along the Leipzig millrace. Democracy needs archivists – speed dating to enter the archiving profession On the trail of the Pleiße memorial march. A short excursion into the environmental history of the GDR on the basis of the Pleiße in Leipzig The Sorbs in Germany – between traditional costume and digital worlds Networking meeting of PhDs and habilitated researchers Decolonial Politics of Memory in the Museum? Guided tour and discussion on REINVENTING GRASSI.SKD Guided tour of the Saxon Economic Archive and the Konsumzentrale building Search for traces digital. The database to the saxonian newspaper of the NSDAP “Der Freiheitskampf” (1930-1945) Conducted Memory – On the History of the Instrumentalisation of the Monument to the Battle of the Nations Art exhibition “Flimsy reality”. Guided tour through the exhibition with the exhibiting artists Digitised copies instead of originals? About online research on digitised copies of analogue archive material (online event) The fragile on photos. Guided tour through the exhibition “Jewish Album” “Controverses in contemporary history”. Accompaniment to ambivalent topics and stories in the permanent exhibition Guided Tour: Bach-Museum Leipzig Real, realer, the realest? Live presentation of an audiowalk concerning the topic authenticity Contemporary history Forum

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