BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//wordpress//historikertag-2018//DE X-ORIGINAL-URL: CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:historikertag-2018-411 DTSTAMP:20180329T170424Z DTSTART:20180928T070000Z DTEND:20180928T090000Z SUMMARY:[Historikertag 2018] Administration as mechanism of unity DESCRIPTION:Successfully executing power in the early modern period, particularly over large realms, did not run like clockwork. It was not just the sheer vastness of space that posed logistic, administrative, and even economic challenges each and every day. At the same time, larger realms experienced quite considerable differences between individual regions regarding, for instance, language, social differentiation, confessional or religious affiliation, political character, legal traditions, etc. Against this backdrop, the issue of social divide and its forms and effects in the early modern period leads to the question to what extent concepts of creating social unity whose failing could be regarded and articulated as divide, were established at all. We assume that the establishment and implementation of administrative structures had an important bearing on the emergence of such concepts as well as for overcoming social divides. These structures were shaped by the formation and preservation of specific procedures, which on the one hand guaranteed relatively uniform decision-making, while on the other hand they led to comprehensive opportunities for participation in spite of differing preconditions for the various parties involved. Given the complexity of the multilayered early modern societies, administrations thus faced the challenge of having to deal and come to terms with difference on all levels. In contrast to modernity, egalitarian concepts of fundamental equality were alien to early modern Europe, while manifold forms of inequality, however, were widely accepted. Nonetheless, the emergent bureaucracy stimulated processes which had effects beyond merely implementing rule on a local level; rather – and this is the central hypothesis of our panel – it also succeeded to overarch social differences and facilitate affiliation in spite of the general acceptance of difference and inequality. Bureaucracy became a “unity-forming machine”. Aspects of this relationship will be presented and put up for discussion by the four panel speakers. Der Beitrag Administration as mechanism of unity erschien zuerst auf Historikertag 2018. LOCATION:JUR2 (Juridicum) END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR