BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//wordpress//historikertag-2018//DE X-ORIGINAL-URL: CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:historikertag-2018-575 DTSTAMP:20180329T170315Z DTSTART:20180926T090000Z DTEND:20180926T110000Z SUMMARY:[Historikertag 2018] Vertical segregation. Politics of class making in the second half of the 20th century DESCRIPTION:There have been growing doubts about the possibility of social mobility as economists have documented significant increases in income inequality. The widening gap between rich and poor spurred scholars to engage in historical social structural analysis to learn more about its causes and consequences, thus renewing interest in the social class divide. The panel starts with these observations to explore the links between fiscal and social policies on one side, and class-making on the other. In the process, the panel’s papers assess the class concept’s potential in examining Western European societies, in this instance West Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy. We argue that fiscal and social policies are pivotal for understanding how stratification processes work and how social inequality is generated. In fact, it comes down to tax revenues, which make it possible for the state to finance its activities – and resource distribution is one of the government’s main tasks. In industrial societies, social welfare spending became one of the largest items in state budgets, and it effects social stratification in many ways. In short, taxes, cash transfers, social insurance, and services are the state’s main instruments for achieving redistribution. The panel explores the intersection between state activities and class reproduction, and furthermore examines the place and importance of the concept of class in political discourse. On the one hand it will shed light to the extent to which class interests have informed fiscal and social policy reforms in the second half of the twentieth century, while on the other hand it will discuss whether state policies maintained and deepened social inequalities or, to the contrary, were able to minimize social differences. Der Beitrag Vertical segregation. Politics of class making in the second half of the 20th century erschien zuerst auf Historikertag 2018. LOCATION:JUR1 (Juridicum) END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR