Historical Spatial Modelling with Geocoordinates and Qgis
Katrin Moeller, Anne Purschwitz, Olaf Simons & Association for Computer Genealogy
The Verein für Computergenealogie offers with the Geschichtliches Ortsverzeichnis (GOV) excellent possibilities for geocoding historical places and for processing spatial information. The workshop will introduce the service and demonstrate its use - which is not yet very easy - and will also discuss future wishes for use with the workshop participants. The Qgis programme will then be used to demonstrate and jointly test the possibilities for processing geodata for own projects and maps. In this way, possible uses will also be opened up for other web services and geodata portals. The workshop will provide an insight into the software and, using an example, the creation of maps, the connection of data and the analysis will be tried out in a comprehensible way. On the basis of small projects, own map layers will be created (layers) and research data from historical projects will be visualised independently. Previous knowledge is useful but not a prerequisite.