
Historikertag for Journalists
Welcome to the press page of the 54th German Historikertag! Here you will find extensive material for your coverage of the congress. You are also in the right place if you are planning to take pictures or do research at the event. If you have any questions or need further material, please do not hesitate to contact us personally.

Press releases

press release from 19.09.23

press release from 21.08.23 

Background information

You can find background information on the Historikertag here

Hintergrundinformationen Fragile Fakten

Mitschnitt des Podiumsgesprächs aus der Veranstaltung "Ausblick auf den 54. Deutschen Historikertag 2023 in Leipzig" der Vertretung des Freistaates Sachsen vom 05.09.23 in Berlin mit Prof. Dr. Julia Schmidt-Funke, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner, Prof. Dr. Dorothea Weltecke und Prof. Dr. Dirk van Laak

Press images

Every two years, up to 2,500 participants from universities, schools and other research and educational institutions come together at the German Historians' Conference (here at the 51st Historikertag in Hamburg).

As Chairman of the Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (VHD), Lutz Raphael is also responsible for organising the Historikertage.

Each Historikertag is co-hosted by a host university. The 54th German Historians' Conference will take place on the modern campus of the University of Leipzig.


You would like to register as a press representative for the Historikertag and report on the congress? Then simply fill out our accreditation form and send it by September 11 by e-mail to



Dr. Marie von Lüneburg Kevin Müller
+ 49 69 798 32572

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