
We would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who have supported us in the successful realisation of Historikertag 2023. Learn more here:

What is a Historikertag?

The 54th Historikertag will take place in Leipzig from 19 to 22 September 2023. In 1893, university professors met for the first time in Munich. They discussed whether history was sufficiently taken into account in school curricula. The second meeting took place in Leipzig in 1894. Shortly afterwards, a professional association was founded, which today bears the name Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (VHD). Its members usually met every two years at a different location in Germany.

Today, with around 3,500 participants from Germany and abroad, the congress is considered one of the largest in the humanities in Europe. The aim of the meetings is to present the results of historical research to the public, to discuss current concerns of historians and to exchange professional and social ideas. The congress is organised jointly by the VHD, the VGD and a local committee, this year at the University of Leipzig.
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